March 23, 2009

shortie II - heartsick

Her limbs were numb when she decided to halt her walk. Letting a decaying wooden bench support all of her weight at once, she closed her eyes and exhaled in exhaustion. Tears glided down her warm flushing cheeks as a gentle moisty breeze caressed her face and pushed her hair away from it in an erratic fashion.

            Everything was lost, it was all over and terminated. Now the only heart that was irreversibly shattered into minute pieces was hers.

            Masses of towering, thick, black clouds gathered above heads, buildings and houses, which in the distance melted into one compressed blurry stain. She stood up again and walked at her own pace, while all other pedestrians strode to the closest shelter they could get. She was careless about the rain, about her appointments, about anything at all. All she had she wasted. The love of her life, the love that tried to replace it, and the hope of ever being loved again, it had all gone down the drain like tap water.


  1. me imagine todo, como siempre.
    MUY groso puppe, me encanto.

  2. Che y los que "estamos mal", no sera que "estaremos bien" en verdad y el mundo "esta al reves"? mmh..
